My heart saddens as I read in the local news on internet today about yesterday shooting. I was in shock by the news that there were people that were shot and killed from a local YWAM group in Colorado. It was interesting as I was reading about that because I just got done spending a week with another YWAM group from Germany here in the Czech Republic. What is our world coming to?
I just lift up a prayer to those families that have suffered a great lost. Those that died are now in a better place with the Lord, which doesn't take away the grief or the pain that those families are experiencing at this time. I just pray for those family members who lost someone in this shooting.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Another Week in CZ
It is so hard to believe that it is December already...where is the time going? In a couple of weeks it will be the year 2008...Have you started making your New Year's Resolutions? I can't do that yet. Maybe in a few weeks I will have time to think about it, but right now, no.
A week in Cheb.......
Last week there was a group of people from YWAM organization here in Cheb. They are all stationed in Germany about 7 hours away from Cheb by train. I have meet some of them when they came here a couple of months ago. I had the opportunity to spend time with them and go around Cheb. There was one night a group of YWAM went along the streets of Cheb to pray for every street corner and for this city. It was amazing to be apart of that. To really give this town to God and to pray for the city. Then last Thursday there were two people from this group that came to my class to talk with my students. I think that the class went well. The students were asking questions and the 2 from YWAM asked my students questions. Then I had them split up into partners and it was great. They played games with the students and just talked. I had the opportunity to work with a couple of my students. I think it was good for my students to hear another native speakers voice besides mine. I think that it gave them good practice. They all seemed to like it, at least i hope so. One can only hope!!
A week in Cheb.......
Last week there was a group of people from YWAM organization here in Cheb. They are all stationed in Germany about 7 hours away from Cheb by train. I have meet some of them when they came here a couple of months ago. I had the opportunity to spend time with them and go around Cheb. There was one night a group of YWAM went along the streets of Cheb to pray for every street corner and for this city. It was amazing to be apart of that. To really give this town to God and to pray for the city. Then last Thursday there were two people from this group that came to my class to talk with my students. I think that the class went well. The students were asking questions and the 2 from YWAM asked my students questions. Then I had them split up into partners and it was great. They played games with the students and just talked. I had the opportunity to work with a couple of my students. I think it was good for my students to hear another native speakers voice besides mine. I think that it gave them good practice. They all seemed to like it, at least i hope so. One can only hope!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
One of my friends just got back from Ireland. She gave me a card and I really liked what it said on it....I think that it is a good reminder and it is so true.
St. Patrick Breastplate
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ below me
Christ within me
Christ at my right hand
Christ at my left hand
Christ in every ear that hears me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every mouth that speaks of me
Christ in every heart that thinks of me
Christ is with us where ever we go. And think what this card says is so true. Christ wants us to take Him with us wherever we go and include him in our daily lives. As I am teaching to students that have never heard about Christ or may have but don't know about having a relationship with Him. I pray that my students see Christ through me. In my words and in my actions. And I pray for that opportunity to share my faith with my students, especially during this time of Jesus's birth.
St. Patrick Breastplate
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ below me
Christ within me
Christ at my right hand
Christ at my left hand
Christ in every ear that hears me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every mouth that speaks of me
Christ in every heart that thinks of me
Christ is with us where ever we go. And think what this card says is so true. Christ wants us to take Him with us wherever we go and include him in our daily lives. As I am teaching to students that have never heard about Christ or may have but don't know about having a relationship with Him. I pray that my students see Christ through me. In my words and in my actions. And I pray for that opportunity to share my faith with my students, especially during this time of Jesus's birth.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Being Hissed At...........
This last Saturday I went to Karlovy Vary(a town that is very close to Cheb about 45 minutes by train) with one of my teammates, Sarah and another English teacher,Nicole,(She is from Canada) from another school. I went there in hopes to get a gift for my sister for Christmas, but I had no luck in finding what I wanted to get her. Despite that I couldn't find what I was looking for I enjoyed hanging out with this new teacher and my teammate. The best part of our trip was when we were on our way back to the train station. I was showing Nicole some pictures from my camera, as I was showing her there were two boys off to the right of us, hissing at us or maybe you could call it whistling(depending on which country you are in). As I took a quick glance at who was making such odd noises towards us, one of the boys wanted to take our photo with my camera. Since I didn't really responded to him, he kept telling me "photo,photo." I must say I have never been hissed at, I definitely have been boo-ed at by someone dressed up as a devil. On a side note... I will see people walking around town dressed up as a devil, angel and St. Nicholas in a couple of days(It is a holiday here). I will tell you more about in my next blog. Back to the other story...we all thought it was quite strange what just took place and we all agreed that we have never been hissed at by guys before and found it very entertaining. A great laugh for all of us....What an interesting experience!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thought of the day
For those who don't know, there has been a lot of snow in Cheb in the last week or so. While I was walking home last night to my house, I saw a tree that was covered in very tiny little icicles. This tree was so beautiful covered in white. I was so memorized by this tree. I had to stop and just look at it for awhile. I am sure i probably looked a little strange to people walking by me. Every branch had a different shaped icicle. It really made me think about a snowflake and how unique each one is. If you look at a single snowflake, which i have had the opportunity lately to look at, it has an unique shape. Not one single snowflake is the same. Even with that an icicle is unique as well. You can't find one icicle that is exactly like another. This made me think about how God created us. The amazing thing is that God didn't create all of us the same, we are all unique in our own way. I just really thank God for that realization last night. Sometimes we just might not be having a great day or anything,but to remember God loves us and created us all different.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I went with one of Czech friends to this castle about a month ago. This is a castle near the city of Beroun, which is about 2 hours away from me. It is Kvirat castle. All of the castles just amaze me, they tell so much history.
Don't pay with dirty money
A couple of weeks ago, I went down to hypernova, which is my normal routine during the week to get lunch. The weekend before this day I just got back from our ESI Thanksgivng retreat and we were encouraged to be a light to everyone(even though we can't speak the language), even to people in the supermarket or people that we pass on the street. I was getting ready to check out and I decided to go to through this one lady's line. I know that when my teammates have gone to her before she was really cranky with them. On this day I decided that I was going to try to be a light to her and make her day, I was just hoping to smile at her. This lady rang me up and she told me how much it was in Czech. So i handed her 100kc and she started to tell me in Czech that it was too dirty and that she couldn't take it from me. I didn't know what what to reality i just wanted to say "Are you serious?It barely has any dirt on it", but i knew i didn't know that in Czech. So I asked her in czech "is this a big problem?" and she continued to tell me that on the back of my 100kc bill it was too dirty. It was the crazies thing i have ever heard of. I have never had that experience before. I could understand if it was a larger bill like 1,000kc but it was 100kc. I also told her that i got it from the bank, the guy behind me told me to take it back to the bank, at least that is what i thought it said. So I paid the lady with some different coins that I had. That is my crazy story for you.....So a word of advice make sure your money is clean before you use it-)
Friday, November 2, 2007
A day to remember
I think this year is a year to remember. On Tuesday i turned another year older, which most of you know, but i must say it was the best birthday i have ever had. I arrived to school just like normal, preparing at 6;30am for my two morning classes. My first class was normal, I only had a few students. I let them out a few minutes early because they had to go to work. I came into the teacher's office to grab my other stuff for my other class, my colleague kept telling me "just relax you have a few minutes, come and sit down,really relax." I must say it was a little strange for him to tell me that, but i really didn't think anything of it. I decided to go and make some tea for class. Finally i opened up the door to where i was suppose to teach, but no students! Then i looked on the table and there were four cards numbered 1-4, a basket of fruit, a vase of flowers, candles that were lite, a large blueberry cake with candles, and instructions. I was quite surprised, i didn't know if i was suppose to be in there or not. There were no students!! So I was instructed by my boss to come read the note that was on the table...The note had said something about someone not being here and you don't have any students either but to read the four cards and it will tell you your future(we just got done doing will and going to). The first card said get on your coat and hurry up downstairs your taxi is waiting for you. Second card said you are going to meet your friends. Third card said hurry up. Fourth card....I don't remember!!!
I got my coat on and went downstairs and there were 3 of my students waiting for me and my taxi(which was my student). My student that was driving was definitely stalling for time because she took me around the parking lot several times and then went around the around abouts several times(i thought i was going to get sick going around in circles very fast). Anyways, then we meet up with the rest of the class. They all said happy birthday to me. Afterwards, some students kept telling me that they were taking me to the dentist, the doctor, i really didn't know where i was going until i opened the door to a hair salon. I really didn't know what was going on...they all were choosing different colors for my hair red, blue, blond to purple. I was a little nervous because it was all in czech and i didn't know what they had planned. One of my students told me i couldn't say no that i have to just say yes. It was very funny!! I made sure to tell them i wanted something that was natural not to exotic. So i do have a new doo and new highlights but don't worry it isn't purple or any crazy color. The hairdresser did cut my hair but only a little bit. I will send pictures very soon, i will get them from my student who was taking pictures during the whole process.
After two hours in the salon I met up with the rest of the class. We went for lunch at a really nice restaurant. It was so funny because all the girls were with me and then the boys were all at the restaurant. They all clapped for me when I entered the restaurant. It was crazy!!
I was so surprised and felt very blessed by all of them. Words can't even say how much I appreciated it. I have never had that type of experience before and it was amazing to spend time with my students. I really thank God for all of my students they have been a huge blessing every one of them.
I got my coat on and went downstairs and there were 3 of my students waiting for me and my taxi(which was my student). My student that was driving was definitely stalling for time because she took me around the parking lot several times and then went around the around abouts several times(i thought i was going to get sick going around in circles very fast). Anyways, then we meet up with the rest of the class. They all said happy birthday to me. Afterwards, some students kept telling me that they were taking me to the dentist, the doctor, i really didn't know where i was going until i opened the door to a hair salon. I really didn't know what was going on...they all were choosing different colors for my hair red, blue, blond to purple. I was a little nervous because it was all in czech and i didn't know what they had planned. One of my students told me i couldn't say no that i have to just say yes. It was very funny!! I made sure to tell them i wanted something that was natural not to exotic. So i do have a new doo and new highlights but don't worry it isn't purple or any crazy color. The hairdresser did cut my hair but only a little bit. I will send pictures very soon, i will get them from my student who was taking pictures during the whole process.
After two hours in the salon I met up with the rest of the class. We went for lunch at a really nice restaurant. It was so funny because all the girls were with me and then the boys were all at the restaurant. They all clapped for me when I entered the restaurant. It was crazy!!
I was so surprised and felt very blessed by all of them. Words can't even say how much I appreciated it. I have never had that type of experience before and it was amazing to spend time with my students. I really thank God for all of my students they have been a huge blessing every one of them.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
First encounter with the white stuff
By the title of this blog you are probably wondering what does it mean....Yes, on October 19,2007 cheb had the first encounter of snow for this winter season. It was so hard to believe to see the white flakes coming down from the sky. I have been thinking that just maybe I would have a white birthday instead of the normal rainy weather. The weather has been crazy here in the czech republic. Well, it will be interesting to see what happens......more to come.
Friday, October 5, 2007
The toothless man has returned
To give you a little history about my experience in Skalka a few years ago...When I lived in Skalka(it is in Cheb but that is the name where my flat was) about 2 years ago I almost got my first kiss by a toothless man. While I was living in Skalka I had an encounter with "the man" one day. I was walking to the supermarket and he approached me speaking a lot of czech to me. When he knew I didn't speak czech he would use his hands like sign language to communicate what he was asking for. Then he motioned to me to kiss him. When I tried to walk away from him, he tried to kiss me on my face. I was a little freaked out by him, just a little=). From that moment on I always tried to avoid walking by him or anywhere near him. The memories of the toothless man.........Well, he is back in Skalka. I was there visiting my new teammates not too long ago and I saw him. He again asked me if I had a cigarette, I just kept walking. The poor man is not all there mentally and I think he is homeless as well. I have seen him dig through the dumpsters before. Then about 3 days later I was standing outside by the bus stop in Skalka around 10 o'clock at night. I saw him walk towards me and I just began to pray out loud that he wouldn't come any closer to me. I have had too many encounters with him in the past. I just kept praying out loud and tried to stay where I was. The toothless man didn't come any closer to me, he stayed by the bus stop bench which was about a foot away from me. He waited there until the bus came. I was so thankful when that bus came around the corner. So he is back..........
Monday, October 1, 2007
So I think I just had my worst class last night. I never thought teaching grammar could be so difficult. Last night I was teaching the grammar point mustn't, don't have to, have to, should, shouldn't and must. All of my students were fine at first and they understood it, but when I did an exercise for them to practice, my whole class changed. I went over the answers and about half of them got one answer and I said another. I tried to explain why it wasn't the one answer but then they all started to argue and discuss in czech why. It was crazy and for some reason I confused them all. I tried to go through the grammar in the back of their book to help them,but they were taught differently. I gave them more practice, I hope that they will understand. I am not sure what i said that was so different or what confused them. I hope on Wednesday we can go through it again and clarify any confusion. GRAMMAR!!!!!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Another Czech Update
Another week of teaching has past. I feel like I have been teaching for months now. I have honestly felt like i have lived at Winfield College because I am planning for one lesson after another. Sometimes it takes me forever to prepare one 90 minute lesson. Why? That I am not sure........I think sometimes my perfection comes out.
My team and I have an outstanding joke that Winfield is like our second home here in Cheb, you have the upstairs where the school is and the downstairs where hypernova is (which is a supermarket). We go downstairs almost everyday to get lunch and then come back upstairs to eat it. What more do you need? I know in time I won't spend that much time lesson planning like I do now. It will come easier as time goes on. I really don't live that far away from Winfield that eventually I can start going home more often. At least that is my goal.
Along with teaching, I have had the opportunity to reunite with some old Czech friends as well. I just feel so blessed to have those friendships here. God has blessed me in different ways through each of them. It is still really hard to believe that I am seeing them again in Cheb. When I left Cheb, I thought I would never see them again. God is so amazing!!!!
My team and I have an outstanding joke that Winfield is like our second home here in Cheb, you have the upstairs where the school is and the downstairs where hypernova is (which is a supermarket). We go downstairs almost everyday to get lunch and then come back upstairs to eat it. What more do you need? I know in time I won't spend that much time lesson planning like I do now. It will come easier as time goes on. I really don't live that far away from Winfield that eventually I can start going home more often. At least that is my goal.
Along with teaching, I have had the opportunity to reunite with some old Czech friends as well. I just feel so blessed to have those friendships here. God has blessed me in different ways through each of them. It is still really hard to believe that I am seeing them again in Cheb. When I left Cheb, I thought I would never see them again. God is so amazing!!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
In the world of teaching.....
After a week of vacation here in the Czech republic, it was hard to get into lesson planning mode. I spent several hours trying to figure out the best lesson for the first day. I was presented the challenge that most of these students know each other, its only me that doesn't know all of them. Also, i had to remember how to do lesson plans. I think in the end my lesson plan finally came together and it was great because i could use it for multiple classes. Praise the lord!!!
On Monday I taught my first lesson, which i think went well. It was great to see old students and also meet new ones. In all of my classes I was asked the famous question "why did you come back to the Czech republic?" That is always a complicated question to answer. It is not common here for teachers to leave and then to come back after a short time. Several students were surprised with my answer that i love the people here and that i love the Czech republic.
i am looking forward to embark in a new adventure this year. Also, for the new challenge that lays ahead of me. I will be working with mostly adults and i have one class with young people.
I will keep you posted as time goes on........
On Monday I taught my first lesson, which i think went well. It was great to see old students and also meet new ones. In all of my classes I was asked the famous question "why did you come back to the Czech republic?" That is always a complicated question to answer. It is not common here for teachers to leave and then to come back after a short time. Several students were surprised with my answer that i love the people here and that i love the Czech republic.
i am looking forward to embark in a new adventure this year. Also, for the new challenge that lays ahead of me. I will be working with mostly adults and i have one class with young people.
I will keep you posted as time goes on........
Saturday, September 1, 2007
learning the language
Funny Story about learning the language...........
The other day I was with my teammates at a restaurant called Flora in Cheb. We were all ordering of my teammates order a "coke"...not thinking anything of it. The waitress later came out with two Coke Colas and handed one of my teammates a very small glass with a brownish-orange liquid in it. The funny thing is that the waitress thought that my teammate ordered a "Grog" and not a "coke-cola." So the waitress thought she wanted this alcoholic drink called grog......So we kindly explained to the waitress that we wanted a coke-cola,not grog, that we were very sorry... we all laughed afterwards..The beauties of learning the language and things of what not to poor teammate-).
Another funny story........
This last Thursday I met up with a Czech friend and we went shopping around in Cheb. When we were in a store the clerk asked us if she could help us with anything. My friend responded to her in Czech that we were just looking. Then I asked my friend to teach me how to say it in Czech...jenom se I was practicing this so I could remember how to say it. As I was practicing this phrase over and over again I said ...jenom se okukam...which means " I am only a bird." We both just laughed. I am very thankful that I didn't actually say that to anyone. I know that I will have more moments like that this year as i am learning the language. Just one little letter can change the whole word or just how you pronounce the word can mean something completely different.
The other day I was with my teammates at a restaurant called Flora in Cheb. We were all ordering of my teammates order a "coke"...not thinking anything of it. The waitress later came out with two Coke Colas and handed one of my teammates a very small glass with a brownish-orange liquid in it. The funny thing is that the waitress thought that my teammate ordered a "Grog" and not a "coke-cola." So the waitress thought she wanted this alcoholic drink called grog......So we kindly explained to the waitress that we wanted a coke-cola,not grog, that we were very sorry... we all laughed afterwards..The beauties of learning the language and things of what not to poor teammate-).
Another funny story........
This last Thursday I met up with a Czech friend and we went shopping around in Cheb. When we were in a store the clerk asked us if she could help us with anything. My friend responded to her in Czech that we were just looking. Then I asked my friend to teach me how to say it in Czech...jenom se I was practicing this so I could remember how to say it. As I was practicing this phrase over and over again I said ...jenom se okukam...which means " I am only a bird." We both just laughed. I am very thankful that I didn't actually say that to anyone. I know that I will have more moments like that this year as i am learning the language. Just one little letter can change the whole word or just how you pronounce the word can mean something completely different.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Czech-ing In
Greetings everyone,
I have made it here in the Czech republic safe and sound. It was a long flight, with many lay-overs in various airports, a long drive, but my team and i are here in Cheb. It has been good to be back into a town that is familiar to me. There are a lot of things in Cheb that are the same, but then there are some changes as well. The famous Vietemese market place is gone-(.
I am very glad to be back, it seems so natural ,but a little overwhelming at the sametime. I have been trying to pick up the langauge again. I am just amazed on how much i do remember, but i have forgotten a lot too. That is totally the Lord!!!
I have enjoyed taking my new teammates around Cheb and other towns in the west bohemia area. I am excited for this upcoming year. I am looking forward to teaching again and meeting new students.
Not a lot has been going on here in Cheb. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. There are pictures of my team in Cheb and also in the Czech Republic.
I have made it here in the Czech republic safe and sound. It was a long flight, with many lay-overs in various airports, a long drive, but my team and i are here in Cheb. It has been good to be back into a town that is familiar to me. There are a lot of things in Cheb that are the same, but then there are some changes as well. The famous Vietemese market place is gone-(.
I am very glad to be back, it seems so natural ,but a little overwhelming at the sametime. I have been trying to pick up the langauge again. I am just amazed on how much i do remember, but i have forgotten a lot too. That is totally the Lord!!!
I have enjoyed taking my new teammates around Cheb and other towns in the west bohemia area. I am excited for this upcoming year. I am looking forward to teaching again and meeting new students.
Not a lot has been going on here in Cheb. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. There are pictures of my team in Cheb and also in the Czech Republic.
Saturday, April 28, 2007

During his stay I took him to the famous Starbucks. I think he was very surprised of all of the different choices of coffee and teas that were available.
I am looking forward to meeting him again in the Czech Republic.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
This is my million and one attempt to start a blog. I'm not a writer,so that is why it has taken me so long to start one. Here is a start of a blog before i return back to the Czech Republic for everyone to be able to view from the Internet. My goal is to keep this update for everyone to view as I am over there.
I'm very excited to return for another year in the Czech Republic with ESI. This is an organization that i went through for the last two years. I will teach at private language school, possibly in Cheb again. I'm not sure of all of the details quite yet. I'll post another blog saying all of the finally details when i know all that information.
I'm excited to see what God has planned for me in the Czech Republic. I'm also ecstatic to teach again. I have missed teaching my students.
Keep on looking on this blog site for more to come.........
Psalm 37:4 " Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of you heart."
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