Sunday, May 4, 2008

Andelska Hora

I decided to take advantage of this four day weekend and travel to somewhere new. There are so many more places that I would like to see here in the Czech Republic. I am always so amazed by all of the castles that are here. Every single castle is so different and has different history. When I go to all of the castles I try to imagine what life used to be like in the time of princess,kings, queens, and etc. I think it is so hard for me to grasp because I am from such a modern and young country. We don't have anything like that in America. After searching on the Internet I found some information about some ruins that is near Cheb and close to Karlovy Vary. This last Friday I planned to go with a friend to adventure to find these ruins on andelska hora, that early morning my friend called and said that she wasn't able to go because she was sick. I decided to still go on this adventure by myself. I figured that it would be a perfect time to just spend some alone time with God out in his creation. In the hopes to spend a lot of time in prayer and reading my bible, well it didn't turned out to what I hoped for. My adventure started out so interesting, I got off on the wrong train station which I thought was the correct one, but I should have gone one more stop to a different train station. I wondered aimless looking for the bus station where I was suppose to get on to a bus for andelska hora. I had to stop and ask several people in Czech where the bus station was. Well, I didn't make it to the bus station in time for my bus to andelska hora. I had to go inside the train station and ask for a new bus time. The lady told me when the next bus was going to andelska hora. At this point the weather was very nice and holding up, I thought for sure it would be very nice when I got to the mountain. Finally, the bus came and I got on to go to andelska hora. When I got there i realized that this place was out in the middle of a village. I could see the black clouds approaching over where I was walking, the clouds didn't look too promising. I made it to the top to see the ruins. You really had to imagine what it was like and what it really looked like with all of the walls of the castle. It was so interesting because I asked a lot of my students about the history behind this castle but no one knew it. As i reached to the top of the mountain it started to rain pretty hard. I still took some time to pray in the rain and I felt like I had a good time talking with God. As the rain continued to come down harder, I decided i better head back down because the rocks were getting really wet and they will be slippery.
When I got back down from the mountain, I waited for a bus to go back to karlovy vary. The interesting thing was that I looked on both bus schedules and they had different times posted. I had no idea which one was correct, and of course I was out in a village and there was no one to ask. I waited and waited and no bus came. Finally, I walked down the street to another bus stop to see if the schedule said something different. I kept seeing buses come into town but never going out of town. I was trying to enjoy the fact that I was really stuck in a village in the rain by myself. I really wasn't by myself, I had God with me. After 2 hours waiting for a bus, there was one that finally came. I really started to think that I was going to have to walk to K.V. I finally got back to K.V. and I waited again for a train to go back to Cheb. Since I had a little bit before my next train, I decided to go and enjoy a sundae at McDonald's. We don't have McDonald's in Cheb so sometimes it is nice to have when I am in K.V. or in Prague. I really just like the ice cream there, not really the actual hamburgers.

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