Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finally a new post......Another day in Cheb

I had a very interesting Sunday morning. As I was walking to church today I was stopped by an older woman speaking a mile a minute in czech to me. At first I didn't think she was talking to me and I really had no idea what she was saying to me. I decided to stop to see if I could try to understand her more as I was closer to her and she just kept speaking to me in Czech like I could understand her. All I really could understand was 'nice girl, aren't you cold in a skirt,etc.' I understood a little bit of what she was telling me with non-verbal communication(God bless non-verbal communication) and a few words that I knew in Czech. The problem was that her key wouldn't turn in her door. I even had trouble turning it and it was her key. I kept on trying to turn the key and take the key out,after a few minutes, it finally budge. I felt bad for the lady because she kept asking everyone that passed by her ,to help her, but everyone told her that they had no time. The lady was very grateful that I finally was able to turn her key and open her door. I was thankful that I was able to help the lady even without understanding Czech fully.

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